tisdag 17 maj 2011


Hello ive just booked tickets to the new Pirates of the Carribean movie. Its a midnight launch and iam pretty stoked at the moment. And a nice feature aswell is that its in 3D. Iam going with some of my best friends!
Hope this Pirates movie is a good one. The other ones were fantastic and its kind of hard to live up to those movies. But hey! Its Disney man. I dont believe they would drop a bad movie on such a good series.

Now iam off to do some homework and lets hope this day goes fast!

måndag 16 maj 2011


Alright now its time to get this blogg started! Ive been doing some thinking about what i want to blogg about. And ive decided to write about all of my interests like E-sport movies and the latest videogames. ill try to give my own point of view to the new game or the latest Sc2 build.
So this blog will be kind of nerdy! Alot of movies and games.

Write me some feedback and i will be sure to read and improve!

And now with a quick question! Did anyone see the TSL3 finals between thorzain and naniwa. You MUST see them. Those are some of the best games ive ever seen. Thorzains defence and Naniwas timings are just senseless. Totally out of this world good. I wont spoil the results but the games are a "Chair jumper".


Made a twitter

Alright made a twitter aswell. Would be really funny if those who will read this blogg follow me on twitter aswell.

Heya this is my new blogg!

Hello everybody! This is my new blogg and i hope to achieve great things with it. Hope i get to meet alot of new friends